It's hard to believe that on Halloween day, 2014, my sister Kathy and I were watching the movers load up a tractor trailer in front of my home in Brooklyn, carrying box upon box and room after room of furniture into that monstrosity - bound for Weedsport, NY. Every now and again there would be the sound of something breaking... my grandfather clock falling face first onto the foyer floor... a mirror being knocked off the wall and breaking into a million pieces. But after 12 hours loading in, Kathy and I drove partway to our destination before crashing in a roadside motel for 4 hours and then back on the road again, hoping to beat the moving van. Mom and Dad were waiting at a nearby motel (having flown in the night before) and all three of them got to tour the house and see it empty for the first (and last) time. Fourteen hours later, 35,000 lbs of my belongs were scattered over three floors of my new house and thus began my new life - 2 years ago today!
It feels like home, now... especially since I've found a new community of amazing fellow actors in the Auburn, NY area. On a whim I auditioned for MOON OVER BUFFALO which my friend, Bob Frame, was directing through the Auburn Players. And, on a whim, he cast me as George. Rehearsals kicked my butt, but I had a blast and met some really great folks with a lot of talent. Deciding I wanted to become a more active member, I submitted a letter to the board (along with my resume) and offered to direct a show at some point in the future.
Then... I was lucky enough to be selected to play the role of Phil in the Where It Went scene in ALMOST, MAINE and, again under Bob's direction, earned my stripes once more and we received excellent ratings in the evaluations given by TANYS which may lead to future competitions.
When the Auburn Players board gave me the go ahead on my proposal to direct SCROOGE - The Musical for the holidays, I was thrilled! It's one of my all-time favorite scores and the most cherished of stories by my hero, Charles Dickens. We began rehearsals a couple of weeks ago and, with a cast of 40 actors, we'll be opening on December 9th at The Auburn Public Theater.
It's great to be among creative people and to feel at home in an environment not unlike what first got me interested in doing this for a lifetime. The folks in this neck of the woods are good people and their love for the theatre is evident in how respected and well-attended shows and concerts are. This has been a great re-birth for me and a chance to not have to wear every single hat when putting a show up on its feet!
It feels like home, now... especially since I've found a new community of amazing fellow actors in the Auburn, NY area. On a whim I auditioned for MOON OVER BUFFALO which my friend, Bob Frame, was directing through the Auburn Players. And, on a whim, he cast me as George. Rehearsals kicked my butt, but I had a blast and met some really great folks with a lot of talent. Deciding I wanted to become a more active member, I submitted a letter to the board (along with my resume) and offered to direct a show at some point in the future.
Then... I was lucky enough to be selected to play the role of Phil in the Where It Went scene in ALMOST, MAINE and, again under Bob's direction, earned my stripes once more and we received excellent ratings in the evaluations given by TANYS which may lead to future competitions.
When the Auburn Players board gave me the go ahead on my proposal to direct SCROOGE - The Musical for the holidays, I was thrilled! It's one of my all-time favorite scores and the most cherished of stories by my hero, Charles Dickens. We began rehearsals a couple of weeks ago and, with a cast of 40 actors, we'll be opening on December 9th at The Auburn Public Theater.
It's great to be among creative people and to feel at home in an environment not unlike what first got me interested in doing this for a lifetime. The folks in this neck of the woods are good people and their love for the theatre is evident in how respected and well-attended shows and concerts are. This has been a great re-birth for me and a chance to not have to wear every single hat when putting a show up on its feet!